The function of the cell is to look into the complaints lodged by any student/employee, and judge its merit. The Grievance cell is also empowered to look into matters of harassment. Anyone with a genuine grievance may approach the department members in person, or in consultation with the officer in-charge “Grievance Redressal Cell”.
The students can register their complaints using the given form: Click Here
Every student has the right to education. When it comes to higher education, it is welcome that every possible candidate has such a privilege and that no deserving candidate loses the opportunity to study due to financial constraints.
As far as Don Bosco College, Mannuthy is concerned, the option for the poor is part of the international policy and hence the institution provides scholarships for the deserving candidates upon application.
The application is received after the first semester only. Exceptions are reserved to the Manager alone. Together with the application the applicant needs to provide:
The application is directed to the Manager who, with his council takes decision on the deserving candidates.
The policy of the institute is that the good name of the individual concerned is protected. To ascertain that the candidate duly deserves, the manager or his representative may visit the family of the applicant and adjudicate the same. At the most, the institute would reveal is, not the identity of the individual, but rather the total amount given out in scholarship and the total number of individuals who have obtained them. Scholarships will be dealt with individually, delicately, honour, and altruism.
The cell make recommendations to the management for changes/elaborations in the Rules for students in the Prospectus and the Bye-Laws, to make them gender just and to lay down procedures for the prohibition, resolution, settlement and prosecution of acts of discrimination and sexual harassment, by the students and the employees.The cell prevent discrimination and sexual harassment, by promoting gender amity among students and employees.
The students can register their complaints using the given form: Click Here
Mechanism to deal with internal examination related grievances is transparent, time-bound and efficient College adheres to the evaluation process of the university while trying to reform methods to better student utility. While the university instructions do provide orientations the college envisages a student-friendly approach without diluting neither the seriousness of the endeavor nor the credibility of the system.
The college has a well organized mechanism for redressal of internal examination related grievances. There is complete transparency in the internal assessment. Students can have a three-tier modus operandi which comprises of the class teacher, Head of the Department and the Principal to address their further anxieties besides the regular grievance redressal system.
In case of any grievances regarding internal assessment, the student is free to interact with the teacher and get it resolved. Internal examination in-charge itself looks after the complaints or grievances related to examination. The evaluation work for the internal examinations is done at the college level. Students have the freedom to use the complaint box as well. The principal and examination cell coordinator keeps track over the overall conduct of examinations. College believes that examinations are to be held not to inquire where the student body fails to comprehend the material but rather to enhance their further comprehension.
Grievances related to exams are to the University Grievance Committee. Students can obtain answer sheets photocopy of the from university on University request. Students not satisfied with their marks at the examinations can apply dubious for Revaluation/ Reassessment. Whereof there are results appearing in university announcements of marks, the students to obtain college helps required information from the university. The college takes initiative for special resolving group grievances, if any regarding university assessment. In all these, the college follows the University policy. The entire mechanism to deal with examination related grievances is time-bound as per University rule and had been regulations. There issues reported with regard to the university examination and results. Issues were tackled with the university obtaining positive results.
First and Basic treatment is provided to staff and students.
First aid is the immediate assistance administered to students/staff due to any minor or serious illness or injury, aimed to reduce harm and preserve life. After administering the same due consultation is carried out with Doctor/Nurse on call and further step is carried out. Parents of students involved in the incident will be contacted and further action taken.
Lourde Hospital (2 Km) : 09061642807
Gem Hospital: (3 Km distant) : 08078780000
Jubilee Mission Medical College Hospital (5 Km) : 0487 2432200
Amala Medical College Hospital (8 Km) : 0487 2304000
Caring for the differently abled is also respect for their life. And hence we provide many support systems to cater for them. Students and staff are constantly present to provide adequate amenities and help them to participate in the normal college life.
Caring for the differently abled is also respect for their life. And hence we provide many support systems to cater for them. Students and staff are constantly present to provide adequate amenities and help them to participate in the normal college life.
Mentor – Ward Ratio: 1:19.7
Coordinator : Vijay Bastian E. (
It is the process of assisting students on a professional basis, to resolve especially personal, social, or psychological problems and difficulties. The process includes enhancement of their listening and their social skills as well as empathy towards others. They will learn to express emotions like anger, frustration, fear, through a healthy way. They get to improve their decision making skills.
For services contact: Vice-Principal :
Teaching and learning is a process that includes many variables. These variables interact as learners work toward their goals and incorporate new knowledge, behaviors and skills that add to their range of learning experiences. The aim of teaching and learning is to set a positive climate for learning and balancing intellectual and emotional components of learning.
Special Programmes for advanced learners and slow learners
A slow learner is a child who could be with a below average intelligence, whose thinking skills have developed significantly more slowly than the norm for his/her age. This child will go through the same basic developmental stages as other children, but will do so at a significantly slower rate. Identifying slow learners is a challenging task for teachers. It demands great patience, minute observation equipped with good method of teaching technique. Moreover, a compassionate human heart is to be arrived at.
Advanced Learners (bright students) are those students who are ahead on the learning curve and require advanced technical know-how. Advanced earners are identified based on the performance in University Examination of previous semester and internal examinations.
Right to Information is an act of the Parliament of India which sets out the rules and procedures regarding citizens' right to information. The College avails the opportunity for the same regarding the services provided.
Any service of RTI can be obtained from
Dr.Fr. Joy Ullattil SDB
Don Bosco College, Mannuthy
Thrissur – 680 651